It’s not just a fad.
Eating one meal a day (OMAD diet) is finally getting the attention it deserves.
For good reason.
Some people refer to it as time restricted eating or a daily 24 hour fast. I like referring to it as the OMAD Diet. The name should speak for itself.
Instead of eating your traditional 3 meals a day or for some people, 6 small meals a day, and if you’ve been watching my YouTube videos or have been reading my blog, you know how I feel about eating 6 small meals a day.
Instead, you just eat one big meal and you consume zero calories the rest of the time.
In my opinion, it’s one of the most powerful tools when it comes to weight loss. Here are my OMAD results just after 7 days.

Crazy, right?
OMAD Diet Rookie Mistake
A big mistake that people make when they follow the OMAD diet is they think they can just eat whatever they want during that one meal. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. That completely defeats the purpose of going OMAD to begin with.
If you’re thinking about eating one meal a day for weight loss, going for all-you-can-eat sushi or crushing an entire pizza during your one meal is probably not a good idea.
The OMAD diet doesn’t give you the green light to just eat whatever you want. You still have to be smart and strategic about it.
OMAD Keto – The Perfect Combination
Before trying the OMAD Diet, I already follow an intermittent fasting lifestyle where I do a 16 hour fast every day. I simply skip breakfast and I then have an 8 hour eating window where I eat two meals. Going OMAD simply means deleting one of those meals.
I also follow a high fat, low carb, moderate protein diet, also known as the keto diet. Which means that I’m fat adapted and my body is in a state of nutritional ketosis. What that means is my body is used to burning fat as a source of energy whether it’s from the foods that I eat or stored body fat.
Based on my personal experience and the results of my private coaching clients, being in a state of nutritional ketosis and doing some form of intermittent fasting will make your life a lot easier if you’re thinking of taking things to the next level and trying the OMAD diet.
You’re just way less susceptible to feeling lethargic and having carb withdrawals. You can also go longer without food because your body is able to tap into your fat stores for energy. The OMAD keto combination in my opinion is the most powerful method of weight loss.
Why Follow The OMAD Diet?
You’re probably asking yourself. Why on earth would you just eat one meal a day? Isn’t breakfast the most important meal of the day? You need to eat 6 meals a day to keep your metabolism high, right? Wrong.
Now this isn’t about convincing you that intermittent fasting, which is what the OMAD diet is, is good for you. It is. If you wanna know more about how I debunked some of those common fasting myths, then you should check out my YouTube videos.
The Benefits Of The OMAD Diet
Here are some benefits of the OMAD Diet if you’re still a little skeptical about it.
- The OMAD diet helps reduce insulin resistance by lowering your blood sugar levels. If you’ve been watching my videos, you know how important insulin is when it comes to losing weight.
- The OMAD diet reduces inflammation, it improves blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels.
- It improves brain function and a lot of people talk about the mental clarity that comes with just eating one meal a day which in itself is a good enough reason why you should try it.
- It boosts your metabolism. And if you’re trying to lose weight, increasing your metabolism is one of the best things you can do.
- Eating one meal a day also increases human growth hormone (HGH) levels which by the way is what prevents your muscles from withering away. I know that’s what a lot of the anti-fasting crowd throw out all the time in that you’re gonna lose muscle when you fast which is just absolutely inaccurate.
- You have about 20,000 calories worth of energy in the form of stored fat in your body. It’s not just there for looks. Why on earth would your body then use muscle for energy instead? Unless you’re at 4% body fat, you don’t have to worry about your body eating away at your muscles. And from an evolutionary standpoint, we would not have survived as a species from our hunter/gatherer if we started to lose muscle when we fast.
- The OMAD diet could also delay aging, extend longevity, and could even help with cancer prevention. And this most likely has something to do with something called Autophagy. Which literally means self eating. Think of it as a cleanse on a cellular level. Your body gets rid of old cells and old proteins and makes new ones in the process and this only happens when you take a break from eating. And that’s how I want you to think about it if you’re just eating one meal a day. You’re just taking a break from eating.
Practical Benefits Of The OMAD Diet
- You save so much money. If we do some simple math here, if you regularly eat three meals a day, then all of a sudden you just start eating one, that’s a 67% reduction on your food cost. Even if that one meal is a little bit bigger than your regular meal, you’re still saving money. If you’re someone who likes to eat 6 meals a day, you’re gonna be saving a fortune!
- Most people don’t realize this but eating one meal a day frees up so much time in your hands. According to research, we make around 200 food related decisions every day. That sounds like a lot. And if you reduce your meals to just one meal a day, that simplifies your life real fast.
Think about it.
From the time that we think about what food we’re gonna eat, then you have to prepare it and cook it, or maybe you have to go get it from a store, then you actually have to eat it, then you have to clean up, then you have to re-focus and get back to what you were doing before you ate. Give it a couple of hours and you have to start that food thought process all over again.
I could keep going with this but those are some of the big benefits that you should know.
Who Should/Shouldn’t Do The OMAD Diet?
Now, who should and shouldn’t do the OMAD diet?
The OMAD diet is generally safe for everyone if you’re in good health. Just consult with your doctor before you try it if you’re not sure.
If you’re pregnant, or you’re underweight, or if you’re taking blood sugar medication, or you’re chronically stressed, then you shouldn’t do it. Otherwise, if you’re in perfectly good health, you should be perfectly fine.
Here’s a video of my OMAD results for 7 days.
Eating one meal a day weight loss results
My 7-Day OMAD Results
Overall, it was a great experience. I think a lot of people would take a 5 lb weight loss in one week. To put that into perspective, the typical weight loss average when you go on a diet is 1-2 lbs per week.
To add to that point, the 5 lbs that I lost is almost 5% of my bodyweight. Which means that your weight loss numbers could even be higher if you have a lot of weight to lose. I’ve heard of people people losing 8-10 lbs during their first week of trying the OMAD Diet.
Here are 5 best tips that I wanna share with you if you’re thinking about doing the OMAD diet.
1. Start slow. If you normally eat 6 meals a day, try to eliminate those in between meals first and just eat three meals instead like a normal human being. Then you wanna start by eating a late breakfast. If you normally eat breakfast at 7am, see if you can eat it at a later time. Eventually, you just wanna skip eating breakfast altogether.
Once your body is used to just eating two meals, you just wanna make your eating window smaller and smaller until you can just combine your two meals to just one bigger meal.
2. Stay busy. Listen, your body is used to eating food at certain times. If you don’t replace it with something else, your body is gonna think that something is missing and it’ll make your fast that much harder. This was actually such a nice benefit for me because I had so much more time to get work done.
3. Salt is your best friend. Some people get headaches when they just eat one meal a day and that’s usually caused by salt deficiency in your body. You need to replace some of the electrolytes that you lose throughout the day because your body isn’t holding as much water and the quickest way to do this is to take in more salt. 1 to 3 teaspoons mixed with water should do the trick here.
4. Practice discipline. I mentioned this earlier but your one meal is not a free for all. You can definitely eat a little bit more during this meal but again, it doesn’t give you the green light to just binge eat and hit up your local buffet.
5. The OMAD diet works better if you’re on a ketogenic diet (OMAD keto). I’m not saying you can’t have success if you have a high carb meal but ideally your OMAD meals is a high fat, low carb, and moderate protein meal. That way, you can stay in nutritional ketosis and get back to burning fat immediately after your meal. If you’re trying to lose weight, going OMAD keto diet is one of the best things you can do.
Listen, I love food. I really do. I love a big bowl of pasta just as much as the next guy. But if you’re trying to eat healthy and lose weight, you can’t possibly think that it’s okay to eat it every day.
It’s Okay To Just Eat One Meal A Day
It’s okay to take a break from eating. You’re not gonna die. As you can see from my OMAD results of just eating one meal a day for 7 days, nothing bad happens.
In fact, a lot of good things happen in your body if you just shorten your eating window to just one meal a day. The weight loss is almost just icing on the cake.
As always, if this was helpful, share it with a friend who could benefit from it as well!
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thank you for the information and motivation, i am very excited to start this journey
Great tips! I really love the keto diet and I have progressed a lot with
changing my eating habits over the past year.
A major tool that really made it easier for me get onboard with my
lifestyle changes was having access to a high quality ketogenic diet cookbook.
A few months ago, I found one that offers 148 ketogenic recipes complete with
a meal planning guide.
In addition, it gives you a helpful list of high-carb foods to avoid and advice on how to get rid
of your constant cravings for them.
The recipes are super tasty and it contains enough recipes to prevent you from getting bored
with your diet.
I highly recommend you try it.
Click the link below to get instant access:
What does your one meal look like keto style? I am eating like 8-9 eggs at one time, cheese, sour cream, etc to reach my 1800 kcal per day
SDG. I lost 8 points my first week eating one meal dinner only. It was hard the first 3 days. Now I can go all day without eating drink a lot of water. I like to drink peach flavor sparklet water with regular water at times. I got 80 pounds to lose im staying with it
Hey I really appreciate your video, I have been doing OMAD for 10 days now , I love the way I feel, sleeping is so much better and I have less inflammation I’m doing 23-1 but I’m not loosing weight …. please help . Thank you
i am diabetic 2 and i have been on omad but i am not losing much as i am on medication i only lose about 2 to 3 lbs at any given time especially after omad,i dont do this every day just about n2 days aweek and on other days i do tmad-two meals a day
Diane, what do you typically eat?