Tired of being fat?
I’ve been there before.
Here’s a picture of me in Hawaii. I was using my bag to hide the spare tire around my stomach.
How many times have you heard someone tell you this cookie cutter advice that if you wanna lose weight, just eat less and move more?
Your doctor probably told you that. And it should work, right? If it did, you wouldn’t be tired of being fat and you wouldn’t be reading this right now.
Tired Of Being Fat? It’s NOT Entire Your Fault Why You Can’t Lose Weight
One of the most unfair things that we do to people is we tell them that it’s their fault why they can’t lose weight. Is if they’re not tired of being fat themselves.
We say things like, “They’ve let themselves go. They just don’t take care of themselves, and they must have no will power.” As if the weight problems that they’re suffering from is completely their fault.
A common thing that I hear from my private coaching clients when I first meet with them is this statement, “I’m eating healthy but I’m not losing weight. I’m tired of being fat. What am I doing wrong?”
Sound familiar?
The Calories In Vs Calories Out Myth
What it really comes down to is that we believe in this calories in vs calories out model. And almost everyone I know including their dog has tried to lose weight using that principle.
Therefore, since we’re in control of the calories in and calories out, if you don’t lose weight from it then it’s somehow your fault.
That is, the person who’s suffering from the disease of obesity for example isn’t tired of being fat is at fault for causing that disease and the evidence to support this really doesn’t exist.
The calories in vs calories out model of weight loss has a 99% failure rate and has almost never worked for anyone for a sustainable amount of time.
Raise your hand if you’ve had a hard time losing weight despite following the dietary guidelines that your doctor, or some nutritional expert told you to follow. But you actually followed them but you didn’t get results and you felt like a complete failure.
The standard belief in the diet community is that you have emotional issues, and you just don’t care about your health. And if you only cared a little bit, if you’re actually tired of being fat, you’d do something about it. You’d simply eat less and move more. It’s so simple. You must have no will power at all. Sound familiar?
In this video, I’m gonna explain why it’s so hard for you to lose weight and what you need to do instead.
Why is it so hard for me to lose weight.
The Obesity Epidemic – Where It All Went Wrong
Let’s talk about the obesity epidemic that’s happening right now because that’s what it really comes down to. An epidemic that happened in the US around 38 years ago. Americans were actually never this fat. And there’s a reason for this. So if you look at studies, the prevalence of obesity increased significantly among adult men and women between 1980 to 2000. And 1980 is an important year that we’ll get to in a second here.
Now here are some scary numbers. The overweight percentages for the overall US population has steadily climbed since 1980 reaching 39% in 1997, 44% in 2004, 56% in 2007, and 63% in 2008. In 2010, the (CDC) reported even higher numbers counting 65.7% of American adults as overweight, and 17% of American children, children! And according to the CDC, 63% of teenage girls become overweight by age 11. They estimated that 3/4 of the American population will likely be overweight or obese by 2020.
Now, I mentioned earlier that 1980 was an important year so let’s talk about that real quick.
That is the year when the USDA started publishing dietary guidelines for Americans. And this should give you an idea about everything that’s wrong with today’s modern American diet.
The Dietary Guidelines Is Making You Fat
They told us to eat a variety of foods, maintain ideal weight, avoid too much fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, and if you’re still in the dark about this, eating saturated fat and cholesterol is NOT bad for you. You need cholesterol for your hormones. Your body makes it.
Eating fat will not make you fat, contrary to popular belief. That’s one of the biggest nutrition myths of all time. Nonetheless, this is what we’ve been led to believe for decades and it’s based on very weak science at best.
Going back to the guideline, it says eat foods with adequate starch and fibre, avoid too much sugar, avoid too much sodium, meaning salt. And this is another myth because you need salt in your body. You’ll diet without it. And lastly, if you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. They also said that if you limit your fat intake, you should also increase your calories from carbs to supply your body’s energy needs.
How many of you keep a jug of low fat skimmed milk in your fridge that you use for your cereal?
The major health hazard from eating sugar according to the guideline is tooth decay. Freaking tooth decay! It literally says right there. Contrary to widespread popular opinion, too much sugar does NOT seem to cause diabetes. That is insane!
This is how the US government started the discussion with Americans with their diet and the rest of the world followed along. What happened since then is that obesity has steadily risen in the US. So if you think about it, in 2017 there are 325 million people in the US. 65% of them or 211 million people are either overweight or obese.
Now, I’m from Canada and the obesity numbers here aren’t much better. As of 2017, research done by the Public Health Agency of Canada has reported that 64% of Canadian adults over the age of 18 are overweight or obese, almost the same as the US and 60% of children aged 5-17 are suffering from weight problems. That’s pretty scary.
You’ve Been Given The Wrong Information About Losing Weight
So, the American dietary guideline was established in 1980, we were told to follow it, generally everyone did. They cut back on saturated fat, they started eating more vegetable oils, they started eating more simple carbs, and now we have an obesity epidemic. Can we really blame people for not having the will power to stick to their diets? Can you really blame yourself for having such a hard time losing weight?
Now let’s say you have a classroom of about 100 students. And if one of those student fails well that’s their fault. They didn’t study. It happens all the time. But if all of a sudden, you have about 65 students out of 100 failing, then you simply can’t say that it’s the students fault. That’s ridiculous. It’s clearly the teachers fault for not giving the right information. When it comes to diet and obesity, what we have are 65% of the students failing and yet we turn around and blame those students. It makes no sense!
And a lot of the research community, and so called experts, dietitians, and the nutiritionists still consider the first law of thermodynamics as the reason why people get fat. So let’s talk about that.
The First Law of Thermodynamics refers to a law of physics where energy cannot be created or destroyed in a closed system and is ALWAYS true.
However, in the complex world of human physiology, it’s true but completely irrelevant. What the calories in vs calories out people think it means is that if you reduce calories in, you’ll lose weight. Of course, it means nothing of the sort because the human body is way more complicated than that and I think it’s almost incomprehensibly naively simplistic to think about it that way. It’s lazy. And just wrong. But nonetheless that’s still how the majority of experts think about weight loss.
So who gets the blame here? Doctors? Dieticians? Food companies? Who?
Blame It On The Dietary Guidelines For Americans
I think it’s fair to say that we should blame the dietary guidelines and the advice that we give to people. This sort of low fat, count your calories sort of advice. It simply hasn’t worked. It’s been 38 years of us trying to follow it and all it’s caused is an obesity epidemic. This calorie centric model being if you wanna lose weight, you should take in less calories and burn more through exercise. And this assumption has guided the USDA guidelines to tell us what we should and shouldn’t be eating for decades.
Are you starting to see the big picture here? It simply has not worked.
So this is where the blame game comes in. Nutritional experts, like the government, doctors, dieticians, can either do two things. They can either say, well, the evidence is that our advice doesn’t work. We’re wrong. And the next time they admit they’re wrong would be the first. Or they can simply say well it’s not our fault. We’re right, you’re wrong. Even though 65% of people are failing. It’s your fault.
So they shift the blame from themselves to the general public. And it’s a game called blame the victim. And that’s where a lot of people find themselves. You followed the guidelines, it didn’t work. So you assume it’s your fault. But this is completely out of your control. This is beyond any will power issues that a lot of people struggle with on a day to day basis.
It’s simply not your fault.
As always, if this was helpful, share it with a friend who could benefit from it as well!
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Use this simple 4-step process to melt ALL the fat around your stomach WITHOUT going on a diet or wasting hours at the gym. Get the Lean Body Blueprint here for free!
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