Looking for the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off?
The process of achieving a successful weight loss transformation is not linear.
You’re gonna peaks and valleys along the way. That’s just part of the process. Nobody said it was gonna to be easy.
But as long as you’re still moving towards the right direction, you’re gonna be fine.
In this video, I’m gonna show you the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off in 4 easy steps.
The Prerequisite
Let’s start with the prerequisite for this to work.
I’ve been talking about this concept more in my YouTube channel recently because it really starts and ends with what’s going on between your ears.
I want you to take a nice deep breath. Inhale through the nose and out through the mouth. And then I want you to forgive yourself.
It’s okay. Be nice to yourself.
Why are we starting with this? Well, it’s because you change best when you feel good, not when you feel bad.
So stop making yourself feel bad that you’ve gained weight. It doesn’t help. You’re doing your best here.
I want you to reframe the way you think. You’re doing this because you love your body, because you love yourself, not because you hate it.
If you carry that mindset moving forward, your body and your entire life will change.
The good thing is no matter where you are in your weight loss journey, if we really wanna simplify it, you are one good meal and one workout away from a completely different life.
The Healthiest Way To Lose Weight And Keep It Off In 4 Simple Steps
1. Reset your system
Stop whatever you’re doing right now.
It’s not working.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome. Let’s try something different.
The first step in resetting your system and move towards the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off is to do a complete purge of your trigger foods.
Why? Because the environment you put yourself in determines your success.
After that, you wanna stock your house with healthier options. Making this simple switch is the fastest and simplest thing you can do if you’re looking for the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off.
Because we are lazy by design as human beings. Use that to your advantage.
If you only have good healthy options at home, guess what you’re gonna eat? If you really want a treat, schedule it. It can’t be a free for all every day. Delayed gratification is the name of the game.
You’ve put on some weight because you’re most likely eating highly processed and highly palatable foods. So we want to reset your palette and focus on eating real foods.
I want you to focus on revolving your diet around fats and protein because those two macronutrients will actively turn off hunger hormones and activate your satiety hormones.
I also want you to eat a lot of green leafy vegetables because A) they’re extremely nutrient dense and B) they’re usually high in fibre which is gonna activate that stretch mechanism in your stomach.
How weight loss ACTUALLY works
So that takes care of the volume part of your food so you’re not eating like a bird. Why is that important? Because weight loss in its essence is all about controlling hunger, not counting calories.
Nothing controls your hunger better than eating highly satiating foods.
This is why I hate just counting calories without factoring in your hormones. Think about a breakfast of bacon and eggs with some avocado, which is roughly around 400 calories.
Then think about a 400 calorie breakfast of breakfast cereal with some skim milk, a piece of toast, and a granola bar.
The former is high in fat and protein and it’s extremely satiating. While the latter is an absolute sugar bomb.
It’s gonna spike your blood glucose levels which results in a crash mid morning and that’s when we usually reach for that mid morning snack.
Processed carbs are also extremely devoid of nutrients. That’s why it’s so easy to just eat an entire bag of Doritos. They don’t activate your satiety hormones.
Instead, it activates your fat storing hormone insulin. You don’t want that.
So replace the junk in your house with real foods. Revolve your diet around fats, protein, and green and leafy vegetables to turn off those hunger hormones so you can eliminate the need to snack in between meals.
Now, instead of snacking in between meals, I want you to do step number two instead.
2. Move
We evolved to move as human beings.
No other mammal can throw a 100 mile an hour fastball, swim, climb trees, and sprint like we can. That’s how we rose to the top of the food chain. We need to start honouring those movement principles.
But again, it’s all about baby steps. Step number one is to avoid prolonged periods where you’re completely sedentary.
Our goal here is to up regulate our fat burning metabolism, and nothing turns it off faster than you sitting on the couch all day eating Doritos.
So how do you get started with this? Simple. Just go for a walk. Don’t run. Just walk. What if you can’t go outside? Then move inside your house.
The Concept of Micro Workouts
I wanna introduce you to the concept of Micro workouts because a lot of people think that they can only work on their fitness at the gym. It’s that all or nothing attitude that really sets people up for failure.
You have to be flexible. I don’t even recommend signing up for a gym membership right away. It’s too big of a change and it can be extremely intimidating for a lot of people.
You can get extremely fit from just doing home workouts. You don’t even need any equipment. Why? Because you are the machine. Micro workouts is all about incorporating movement throughout the day.
For example, the average person goes to the bathroom around 7-8 times in a 24 hour period. Let’s say we round that up to 10 to include brushing your teeth, showering, fixing your hair, etc.
How about every time you go to the bathroom, you do 5 push ups and 5 air squats. That will literally take you seconds. By the end of the day, you would’ve done 50 of each.
If you do 10 push ups and 10 air squats, that’s 100 reps of each that you would’ve accumulated by the end the day.
If you’ve been living a sedentary lifestyle and you start doing 200 reps of bodyweight movements and start walking every day, I can almost guarantee your life will change.
You’re gonna start building some lean muscle, your cardiovascular health will improve, you get stronger bones, your stress levels will go down, you’re going to be happier because of the endorphin release, you reduce your risk of chronic disease, and a boat load of other benefits.
If exercise could be put in a pill, it would be the biggest blockbuster medication of all time.
And you can get this awesome medication for free with zero side effects. Only benefits.
If you want a more structured plan on how to do this properly, check out my Lean Body Blueprint: 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge.
But just start small with this. When you’re microwaving your food, drop down and do some burpees. Do a plank when you’re just watching commercials on TV. I could go all day with this.
You’re gonna hear a lot more about micro fitness in the future because it takes the Minimum Effective Dose (MED) concept to the next level.
I am definitely not making friends with gym owners by promoting micro fitness. But hey, you deserve the best advice.
3. Stop ordering take out
I get it.
You want to support local businesses. I’m all for it.
This kinda throws a wrench to my first tip because you should not be having more food for delivery than home cooked meals.
Do you really need to be ordering Uber Eats, Skip The Dishes, or whatever your favourite local food delivery app is for the 5th time this week? No.
This is part of that system reset that I mentioned earlier. Restaurant foods are designed to be highly palatable. Unfortunately, they don’t really use the highest quality products especially the oil that they cook their food in.
Anything that you buy from a restaurant that’s deep fried is often cooked in cheap highly inflammatory vegetable and seed oils. Some experts compare it to being as bad as drinking radiation.
Think about it this way. Our Paleolithic ancestors did not deep fry their food in these cheap toxic oils. They also didn’t drink diet soda or eat protein bars. I could go all day why you should avoid processed food like the plague.
Usually, when you order takeout, it’s usually gonna be higher in carbs than protein. Because carbs are dirt cheap to produce.
Again, we wanna be eating more protein. The mark ups are also insane.
Protein is at a premium when you eat out or oder take out. Fries are cheaper than chicken nuggets. Which are both deep fried in toxic vegetable and seed oils.
Even if you get chicken nuggets, it’s gonna come with a side of dipping sauce that’s just liquid sugar.
I’m not saying you should never eat out. I eat out around once a week. But you need to control the controllable.
Find healthy foods you enjoy and set a time every week to meal prep so you don’t have to cook every day. I don’t expect you to become the next Gordon Ramsey here. I still burn my eggs sometimes and that’s okay.
But this is one of the keys to the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off. Prep your meals. That way, you know what’s in it. You can’t control what you can’t measure. This is how you do it.
4. Take a break from eating
Mind blowing stuff, I know.
Here’s my all time favourite question to ask.
What do you think will happen when you stop eating? Or as I like to call it, taking a break from eating. You’re going to lose weight. A lot of weight.
This concept is more commonly known as time restricted eating or intermittent fasting.
When you’re in a fasted state and you’ve depleted your glycogen stores, your body will start burning your body fat for energy. That’s what it’s there for. It’s not just there for looks.
Other benefits include:
- Improved mental clarity and concentration
- Lowers blood sugar levels
- Improves insulin sensitivity
- Increases energy
- Decreases inflammation
- It could even extend life because of Autohpagy (a cleanse on a cellular level)
- It could even reverse the aging process because of increased growth hormones when you fast (Some people refer to growth hormones as the real fountain of youth.)
As you can see, weight loss is almost just icing on the cake.
I mentioned this concept earlier about the benefits of exercise. If you can package the benefits that you would get when you do intermittent fasting and you put in a pill, it would be the biggest blockbuster medication of all time right next to exercise.
But for some reason, conventional wisdom tells us that we should eat 6 meals a day. We’re also in the midst of an obesity epidemic. It makes absolutely no sense.
I personally eat ONE meal a day 90% of the time with the other 10% allowing for some flexibility.
When I was just starting out, I just did a 16 hour fast and I ate two meals during my eating window.
You should check out my other videos about intermittent fasting. if you wanna know more about it. But the best intermittent fasting schedule is the one you can follow long term.
Just think about it this way. If you skip breakfast, think of your body getting your calories from your butt, thighs, and belly.
But I put this as step number four because you need to establish metabolic flexibility first.
Otherwise, intermittent fasting is going to come as a complete shock to your body. This is when you get hangry and become absolutely miserable when you skip a meal.
That’s why it’s important that you start by doing a proper reset. You should check out the Fat Loss Accelerator if you wanna know how to do this properly.
Because once you’re metabolically flexible, your body can easily tap into your fat stores and burn it for energy when you’re not eating and that’s when you become a fat burning machine.
Listen, If you do all the things I mentioned in this video, it’s going to quickly turn the odds to your favour.
If you’re struggling right now and you feel lost, use this as your template. It’s the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off.
As always, if this was helpful, share it with a friend who could benefit from it as well!
Need More Help?
Use this simple 4-step process to melt ALL the fat around your stomach and look good shirtless WITHOUT going on a crazy diet or wasting hours at the gym. Get the Lean Body Blueprint here for free!
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