Sometimes, less is more.
Let me explain.
I’m sure you’ve heard the term ‘knowledge is power’ once or twice in your life and for the most part, I agree with it.
We all know a person or two who’s gone to University once or twice and has acquired multiple degrees.
This person has also read more books in a month than you have in your entire lifetime.
There’s only one problem. They have nothing to show for all the information that they’ve collected.
And then there are those college dropouts who knew one thing. But they had a clear vision for what they wanted to do, got in the trenches, and are now retired lying in a tropical beach somewhere.
There are two types of people in this world: there are researchers and there are go-getters.
Somewhere between the two is where you want to be.
Bruce Lee said it best. He said:
“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”
You want to arm yourself with all the right tools in your toolbox and acquire as much information as you possibly can in order to give yourself the best chance to succeed. This is when you put your ‘researcher’ hat on.
More knowledge is rarely a bad thing. But there comes a time when you have to switch hats and translate all your knowledge into action. This is when you flip the switch and become a go-getter.
The problem is, most people get stuck on research mode.
Why? Because it’s comfortable. It’s easy. When you acquire new information, it makes you feel good. It almost gives you this feeling that you’ve already done the work and this can be a very dangerous thing.
Let’s relate that thought back to fitness.
Think about the last time you read a weight loss article promising you fast results. It felt good, right?
You already start thinking about all the things you’re gonna do. All the new clothes you’re gonna buy and all the pool/beach parties you’re going to attend.
The next day, you find an even better weight loss strategy from a magazine promising even bigger results. So you do a little bit more research about this strategy and you go on and on and the entire thing turns in to a vicious cycle.
You’re stuck in research purgatory.
If you’re one of those people who believe that consuming more information and waiting for the right opportunity will somehow set you up for for better success, you probably suffer from something we like to call:
Paralysis By Analysis
It’s a condition where we’re always out trying to acquire more knowledge about a certain subject, thinking it will make us better. But the exact opposite ends up happening and it delays/prevents us from taking action.
It can be downright paralyzing.
You can look up all the variations on how to do a proper pushup but if you don’t act on any of them, you’re still gonna be stuck at zero.
There will never be a perfect moment or opportunity to do something.
Nike was right when they chose their trademark as ‘Just Do It’.
I’m also gonna mention this now so it doesn’t come as a surprise to you. You’re probably gonna mess up once or twice along the way.
And that’s okay.
Taking action is what actually moves the needle and not that shiny new weight loss article when it comes to your fitness goals. Read this article if you need help getting started.
Just remember that done is better than perfect.
If you’re suffering from paralysis by analysis and need help taking action, let’s talk about coaching.
As always, if this was helpful, share it with a friend who could benefit from it as well!
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I 100% agree with you. Many people fall on either side of the spectrum. Good article!
Very encouraging, it fits me to a tee.