Looking for the best way to lose fat?
In this video, I’m gonna show you the secret to fat loss.
There’s overwhelming information on the internet about best way to lose fat. If you Google the term ‘how to lose weight’, you get a mind blowing 909 million results.
How do you even filter through that? But there’s actually just one rule when it comes to fat loss that trumps all of them.
The best way to lose fat – The secret to fat loss
What you eat and when you eat are equally important when it comes to losing all your unwanted body fat.
It’s so simple, but a majority of people miss this concept completely. Especially the ‘when you eat’ part of the equation.
If you wanna get into the specifics of some of the concepts I’m about to talk about, then make sure to check out my other YouTube videos.
But this is more big picture stuff. If you’re just starting out or you’re finally willing to try something different, the information I’m about to give you will get you 90% of the way there.
Because we’ve been led to believe as a society through authoritative parroting that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Or that you should be eating six small meals every day. Never skip a meal. And if you wanna lose weight, just eat less and move more.
But, guess what? There’s no scientific evidence to back that up any those claims. None.
The problem is, we don’t really question it. We just accept it as the truth. We formulate our weight loss plan around it and wonder why it doesn’t work.
Back in the day for example, I would always force feed myself breakfast even though I wasn’t hungry. That was just the thing to do. I didn’t want to miss a meal because it was bad for you.
Or, I would mindlessly eat snacks in between meals to “keep my metabolism high”. Again, even though I wasn’t really hungry. I developed a ‘Dad Bod’ over time because of this.
The best way to lose fat? It’s NOT calories in vs calories out
I also followed If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM). It’s a very popular way of eating that a lot of weight loss coaches out there sell. It’s based on the over simplistic ‘calories in vs calories out’ model which is extremely flawed.
But the premise is you have a specific amount of calories you can eat throughout the day. As long as you’re in a calorie deficit, you’re fine.
But one of the biggest problems with IIFYM is that it treats all calories equal.
And this is what usually happens. People get sold on the idea that they can eat cereal, bread, pasta, low calorie ice cream, and other types of junk as long as it fits their macros. It’s the dream.
But you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that 100 calories of bread is gonna have the same fattening effects as a 100 calories of eggs. It’s just not.
The former is made out of refined carbs and sugar. While the latter is a nutrient dense whole food that’s made out of healthy fats and protein.
They’re not the same. Not even close.
The problem with counting calories
The other problem is, your body doesn’t really count calories. You have no calorie counter in your stomach.
So this idea that you can just drink diet coke and use artificial sweeteners on everything because it’s “zero” calories, or eat highly processed low calorie versions of regular food, is an absolute pipe dream.
Your body still has a physiological effect to those foods. You can’t trick your body by eating “zero” calorie or low calorie food. Your body is a little smarter than that. It’s more than just a simple mathematical equation.
By the way, if you just cut calories by eating less, you’re gonna lose weight. It always works at the beginning. But your body is an adaptation machine. Over time, it’s gonna adapt by lowering your metabolism.
Then you’ll have to cut even more calories and you have to resort to even more low calorie food. Which again are extremely processed. The more processing your food goes through, the worse it is for you.
You keep doing this until you hit the dreaded weight loss plateau. You’re not losing weight anymore even though you’re barely eating anything. Worse of all, you’re starving.
And you can only rely on your will power for so long when you cut calories and you’re always hungry. Because you’re just fighting your physiology at that point.
When you run out of will power, that’s usually when the flood gates open up and people switch to the ‘see-food’ diet. You see food, you eat it.
Yo-Yo Dieting – Explained
This is the definition of yo-yo dieting. You lose weight but you eventually put it back on time and time again. Eating less and cutting calories doesn’t work long term. Comment below if you can relate.
This by the way is why I’m never impressed whenever I see a miraculous 8 week transformation. Anybody can do that. Show me how you look 8 months later. That usually tells a better story.
You want long term sustainable results when it comes to this.
But, there are levels to this. If you want the best way to lose fat and actually keep it off, you need to abolish this made up idea of meal times.
In simple terms, if you wake up first thing in the morning and you’re not hungry? Don’t eat. You’re not gonna die if you skip a meal.
Or if you end up eating breakfast and you’re still full from that and it’s lunch time? You don’t need to eat lunch.
Eat when you’re hungry. Don’t eat if you’re not hungry.
Kids by the way inherently know this. If you have a toddler and they’re not hungry? Good luck feeding them.
But we teach this out them and introduce meal times as they get older. But, meal times are completely made up.
Eat like your ancestors, not like your (overweight) doctor
Think about animals in the wild. Do you see any fat lions or fat cheetahs? Nope. They wake up and they don’t really say, “We should eat breakfast!”
No. They go out in the wild minding their own business. They hunt. Sometimes they’re successful and they get to eat. Sometimes they’re not and they don’t get to eat.
Now, you’re probably thinking, “Cool story, bro. But, we’re not animals.”
Well, let me do you one better. Think about our Paleolithic ancestors. We evolved as human beings 2.5 million years ago through the harshest conditions this planet had to offer. Think about the Ice Age.
Our hunter gatherer ancestors didn’t wake up first thing in the morning and think, “Gee, we better eat breakfast before we start the day.”
Nope. It’s the exact same thing. They went out to hunt. If they’re successful, they get to eat. If they’re not, then they don’t get to eat. They were forced to fast and tap into their stored energy as fuel.
And, guess what? They survived. If we didn’t have the capability to tap into our stored energy when food was scarce, we wouldn’t have survived as a species.
Simply put, the human body is actually designed through evolution to fast.
In fact, a lot of amazing things happen when we take a break from eating aka intermittent fasting. For example:
- Improves mental clarity and concentration
- Induces fat loss
- Lowers blood sugar levels
- Improves insulin sensitivity
- Increases energy
- Lowers blood cholesterol
- Reduces inflammation
- Helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease
- Reverses the aging process
And so much more! And, it’s free! Fat loss might be the least impressive benefit of fasting when you consider all the improvements in your bio markers.
If the benefits of intermittent fasting could be put in a pill, it would be biggest blockbuster medication of all time right next to exercise. It’s one of the best way to lose fat.
Are you metabolically inflexible?
Now, a common objection by a lot of people why they don’t want to skip a meal is they get hungry or hangry. Or they get dizzy, they get headaches, and they don’t have any energy.
It’s because they’re sugar burners. That by the way is the definition of metabolic inflexibility.
Your body only feels that way because you trained it to expect food at certain times. You’ve become carb dependent. Which means you can also train it to go the other way around.
There’s obviously an adaptation period. It takes time to become metabolically flexible again where you become a fat burner.
But you can train it to be okay to skip breakfast. You can train it to skip lunch. It just takes a little bit of time.
The only people that benefit from eating six meals a day are food and pharmaceutical companies. Big Food and Big Pharma.
The more often we eat, the more they profit. Over time, people get fat and sick from this way of eating.
For example, 3 out of 4 American adults are in the overweight or obese category and 88% have some form of metabolic dysfunction.
People get sick and have to be on medication. More money for Big Pharma. But that’s a completely separate rabbit hole that we don’t have to get into.
Are you using food as a form of entertainment?
Now, let’s talk about our learned behaviour around food.
There’s a big difference between eating when you’re actually hungry versus eating out of boredom or entertainment. Late night snacking is a perfect example of this.
I used to be guilty of it. I’d be watching TV and next thing you know I would just mindlessly start snacking even though I wasn’t hungry because I already had dinner.
You need to get out of that habit. You can’t use food as a form of entertainment.
This might be a tough pill to swallow for some people but your life shouldn’t just revolve around food. You’re not a dog. Don’t reward yourself with food.
The best way to lose fat – why it works
Now, here’s a quick explanation on why this works. Otherwise, I’m just another jabroni spewing out bro science.
This is how you react physiologically to food.
Every time you eat assuming that it’s a blend of carbs, fat, and protein, your insulin goes up. That’s your storing hormone.
I talk about insulin a lot in my videos because it’s the hormone that controls your body weight. It’s crucial that you keep it moderated if you want any chance of losing fat.
High insulin blocks fat burning and your body shifts into fat storage mode.
Your body is storing all the nutrients from the food you just ate. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.
The problem lies in the frequency. If you eat all day. If you breakfast, lunch, dinner, and you’re eating snacks in between meals.
Your insulin stays high all day long. Which means you’re in fat storage mode all day long. Are you with me so far?
The good thing is the reverse is also true. Every time you don’t eat, insulin stays low and your body now gets a chance to tap into stored energy.
Insulin is the switch
This happens in two stages.
The body uses up stored glycogen first. We have about 2,000 calories worth of it stored in our muscles and liver.
After that gets used up, that’s when fat burning happens. And you have about 100,000 calories worth of stored energy in the form of body fat waiting to be used.
That’s what it’s there for. It’s not just there for looks.
You just need to give your body a chance to access it by taking a long enough break from eating.
Because you can bet that there is a world of difference how your body reacts physiologically if you eat six small meals spread throughout the day. Again, you’re in fat storage mode all day if you do that.
Versus eating two meals let’s say, in a compressed eating window. Your insulin stays low for most of the day which means you’re in fat burning mode during that time.
Your body only has to produce insulin twice in a compressed window.
But here’s the secret. If you pair intermittent fasting with a diet that also keeps insulin moderated, that’s when you start getting into accelerated fat loss.
That’s the secret to fat loss. The best way to lose fat. Not the magic slimming tea which tastes like butt that your friend is trying to sell you.
Here’s how I want you to reframe this in your head. Let’s say you skip breakfast. Think of it as your body using up your stored energy for breakfast.
Also, the quality of your food matters. A lot. Again, not all calories are created equal.
Here’s a simple rule I want you to follow. Stick to single ingredient foods.
Specifically, single ingredient, mostly unprocessed, nutrient dense foods. Whole foods. They also naturally keep insulin moderated. It’s like we evolved to eat real food.
Think about ground beef or a burger patty. There’s only one ingredient there. Beef. Same thing with eggs.
This is why I have such a big problem with this whole plant based movement. Let’s use plant based meat substitutes as an example.
Beyond meat has something like 18 ingredients that you and I can’t even pronounce. It’s also been processed to the nth degree.
You’re not eating real food at that point. You’re eating a ‘food like’ product. I like to call them ‘frankenfoods’.
Whereas, if you just eat a burger patty, there’s only one ingredient there. Beef.
A lot of experts like Paul Saladino and Shawn Baker make very compelling arguments that the optimal diet for humans is a mostly carnivore diet. And, I don’t disagree. That’s actually my diet right now.
If you wanna eat those plant based substitutes for ideological reasons, that’s fine. But you can’t think that eating a ‘food like’ product is better than eating real food. It’s just not.
The point that I’m trying to make is nothing trumps eating nutrient dense real food.
The best way to lose fat? Keep it simple
This does’t have to be complicated.
For example, eggs and bacon. Some sort of unprocessed animal meat and non starchy vegetables. For dessert? Macadamia nuts, cheese, or a couple of squares of dark chocolate. Rinse and repeat.
By the way, this doesn’t have to be expensive. Think about it this way. If you skip a meal, you automatically save money. Which you can then use to buy higher quality food.
Less, but better.
And your health is absolutely worth. The number one cause of bankruptcy in the U.S. is health care cost. People getting sick and not being able to pay the bills.
Your health should be your number one priority. You only get one body and you have to live in it. You might as well take care of it.
Now, I’d be lying to you if I told you I didn’t enjoy the occasional treat. In fact, I usually have one every week. And I love it.
I just follow the 90/10 rule which drastically increases adherence so you can do this long term.
90% of the time, follow everything I mentioned in this video. The other 10%? Live your best life. I personally love cheesecake.
At the end of the day, if you want something you’ve never had before, you need to be willing to do something you’ve never done before. You need to be willing to change.
New identities requires new evidence. If you keep casting the same votes you’ve always cast. You’re gonna keep getting the same results you’ve always had. If nothing changes, nothing is gonna change.
As always, if this was helpful, share it with a friend who could benefit from it as well!
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