The internet is littered with a million tips to lose weight.
But here’s the plain honest truth. Losing weight is not easy. If it was, everyone would be successful at it.
And while we all want things to just be black or white when it comes to the technicalities and nuances of working out and dialling in your nutrition, the truth is usually somewhere in between. You need a multifaceted approach.
While I do focus on those things on my channel, we’re going to go the other way today.
In this video, we’re going to jump into that grey area in between the lines.
I’m going to show you 5 unusual but really practical tips, a lot of it deals with what’s going on in between your ears, that lead to weight loss success.
This is the stuff that a lot of people forget about.
5 UNUSUAL Tips To Lose Weight
1. It’s never too late
This is such a huge misconception for so many people. In that they’ve gone too far down the rabbit hole and they can’t get out.
Or they feel like they can’t get out. And they start to develop something called learned helplessness.
It’s when an individual continuously faces a negative, uncontrollable situation and stops trying to change their circumstances, even when they have the ability to do so.
They almost kind of just accept that wherever they’re at in life is their fate.
But here’s the thing. The only point when it’s actually too late to change is if you’re dead. Otherwise, you can absolutely still achieve your health and wellness goals.
I’ve had many students for example that are much older than me. Some of them are almost twice my age.
And guess what? They were all able to achieve their weight loss goals and change their lives in the process.
Because it’s not about the weight you lose but about the life you gain. To me, that’s the ultimate prize. Looking good shirtless is just icing on the cake.
David over here is one of my all time favourite examples. He lost a mind blowing 70 lbs in about 9 months. And he’s been able to keep that weight off even two years after his transformation.
There’s also Maria who lost 80 lbs. She gained weight during her pregnancy and in just a short amount of time, she was able to get her pre baby body back.
Joseph over here has made unbelievable progress in just 5 months. And I have many other students just like them.
You can even see people posting their weight loss transformation progress in the comments of a lot of my videos. So it’s entirely possible to do this.
Don’t ever think that it’s too late to change.
Believing that you can do it, having faith in yourself, and it sounds cheesy but having that “can do” attitude is honestly one of the most powerful tools you can have in your journey.
That belief also applies to everything in life. Henry Ford said it best. “Whether you think you can or you think you think you can’t, you’re right.”
2. Be laser focused.
You’re going to have detractors when you’re trying to make sweeping changes in your life. It comes with the territory. So I want you to mind your own business in this process.
For example, if you use intermittent fasting as a health tool with a side effect of weight loss which I talk a lot about on my channel.
You’ve done your own research. So, you try it. You’re starting to see some results because, well, it works.
I mean, what do you think will happen if you stopped eating? I like to refer to it as taking a break from eating. You’re gonna lose weight. A lot of weight.
You also get access to numerous health benefits that only gets triggered when you put your body in a fasted state. This is why I always say that weight loss might be the least impressive benefit of intermittent fasting.
You’re excited about your results so you tell your friend about it. But your friend knows nothing about fasting and may or may not agree with what you’re doing. That’s fine.
But if that person is stuck in their old ways and beliefs. He or she might start imposing their will on you.
They’ll say that you’re hurting yourself or you’re starving yourself. Fasting is bad for you. Or whatever outdated information they have on fasting.
And depending on this person’s influence on you, you might even start doubting yourself in the process.
This is when having that belief in yourself and being laser focused comes into play. Don’t let anyone’s negativity or criticism stop you from achieving your goals.
This is just your typical crabs in a bucket mentality. If you don’t know what that is, you basically don’t need to put a lid on a bucket of crabs. Because they’re always just going to pull each other down.
People can be like that as well, unfortunately.
The ugly truth about change
This is my favourite quote about change. Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.
You’re most likely gonna lose people in your journey as well. People you’ve been friends with for a long time. Simply because they won’t understand what you’re trying to do.
You’re prioritizing yourself here. You’re prioritizing your health. Heck, this might be the first time in your life where you’re putting your needs first.
Some people might even think you’re selfish. The people who care about you will understand this.
If they don’t and they start making you feel bad because you’re skipping the weekend drinks or you’re ordering something healthy.
Or they judge you because you’ve joined a gym and you’re actually trying. Then it might be time to rethink whether you should stay friends with those people.
And if they’re your immediate family, and this happens, I’ve learned that you can love your family from a distance.
I have some relatives for example that are stuck in their old ways. They don’t understand what I do and why I do certain things. They don’t even try.
That’s fine. It doesn’t make them bad people. I still love them. But I just try to keep my distance from them.
Life is too short to let other people’s opinion get in the way of achieving your goals. The best way to change people’s minds in my opinion is to lead by example and inspire them with your results.
If you want help, help yourself. Just do you. Mind your own business. Always follow this rule. Don’t take advice from someone you wouldn’t trade places with.
Would you take financial advice from someone who’s broke? Probably not a good idea.
3. Go slow.
People tend to adapt an all or nothing attitude when they’re trying to change.
And I don’t really blame them for jumping in with both feet and wanting to do everything all at once.
The problem is, nine times out of ten, that approach is not sustainable. The likelihood that you’re gonna stick to whatever crazy thing you’re doing is extremely low. It usually leads to burnout.
For example, it’s common knowledge that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. But that’s really more of a pipe dream.
If it was that easy, you’ll hear more about how Jane Doe’s 21 day juice cleanse slash slimming tea gimmick lead to long lasting sustainable results. No.
Research shows that it takes more like 66 days to establish a new healthy habit, or break a bad one for that matter. That’s over two months of consistent effort to make that new habit stick.
And I’ve been watching people go through this make or break process since 2013. That’s when I started teaching this stuff. The results are almost always predictable.
It’s all about baby steps
When it comes to exercise for example, the ones that are patient and take things slow. The ones that learn proper technique and are methodical when it comes to their progression.
Those are the ones that see it through and are able to progress nicely when it comes to their fitness. Your level of fitness and weight loss results go hand in hand. It’s a synergistic relationship.
While the ones that go balls to the wall on day one. The ones that just want to go heavy right away or go too hard on the workout when it’s only their first day.
Yeah I usually don’t see those people until the week after, if that, because they’re so sore from their workout. Or worse, they injure themselves and they just disappear and never come back.
What’s better? Doing one hard workout and you’re out for the rest of the week? Or stringing 4-5 quality workouts every week? The math is simple.
Another example is if you’ve never meditated in your life. Practicing mindfulness through mediation is good for your mental health. And you immediately jump into a 10 minute session, it’s going to feel like an eternity.
How about starting with just closing your eyes and taking three deep breaths?
If you haven’t read a book since high school, setting a goal of reading 20 pages a day might seem daunting. Maybe just set a goal of reading one paragraph.
Same thing with intermittent fasting. I don’t even recommend jumping into an intermittent fasting routine right away. You’re not metabolically flexible yet. You need to fix your diet first.
That’s why you hear so many people say they get hangry or they get headaches when they fast. That is the definition of metabolic inflexibility.
They’ve taught their bodies to expect food at certain times. They’re also most likely sugar burners. Which means if they don’t always eat constantly, they experience a sugar crash.
In fact, jumping into intermittent fasting right away without fixing your diet first might even back fire on you. Because your body is going to freak out.
Your body is not ready yet. It’s going to be way too stressful. You’re potentially doing more harm than good.
If you want to lose fat efficiently, you need to become a fat burner. You need to teach your body to use fat as its main source of energy. You need to be fat adapted. Being fat adapted means you’re metabolically flexible.
How do you achieve metabolic flexibility? It starts with your diet. Follow a diet that moderates your insulin levels. I’m talking about a very low carb, moderate protein, high fat diet.
Only then should you start incorporating intermittent fasting into your routine. Combine that with a consistent workout schedule and quality sleep and you are golden.
But again, baby steps. Start slow. Keep it simple.
Don’t worry about the minutiae whether you should take Ashwagandha, what brand of protein powder your should buy, or whether chia seeds will break your fast when you’re still eating McDonald’s every day.
There are levels to this. Don’t major in the minor. Focus on step number one. Fix your diet first.
4. Don’t compare yourself to other people.
Why? Because it’s a one way ticket to misery.
Every person is different. Everyone’s physiology is different. You are your own unique snowflake. No one else is like you.
Your genes are different, your history with diet and exercise is different, and your lifestyle is different. Everyone’s different.
Which means that following a diet that worked for someone else. Following what your favourite influencer is doing, and that includes me, because you’re seeing them get a lot of success.
That doesn’t automatically mean that it’s the best option for you.
I’m just here documenting what works for me and all my students. But by no means am I saying that my way is the only way. That would make me a jerk.
You need to find what works for you and your body. And listen, if you’re just looking for direction then try what I teach on my channel. I think it works pretty well.
But if for some reason it’s not working, that’s okay. But again, just make sure that you give it enough time to actually work.
Don’t just try it for a couple of days and say it didn’t work. Like I said, it takes 66 days to make or break a habit. It takes time to flip that metabolic switch and become metabolically flexible.
Which leads me to my next point. You’re probably not going to want to hear this. But I have to keep it real. And having this mindset is a big game changer.
You might not get immediate results.
Your body is an adaptation machine. If you’ve been overweight for a long time, whatever weight you’re at has now become your body set weight.
Think of your body as a thermostat. It’s going to want to do everything in its power to stay at whatever temperature you’ve set it at. To stay at whatever weight you’re at.
You change your thermostat, aka your body set weight, by moderating insulin. It’s the hormone that controls your body weight.
I want you to think of this process as a spectrum. One side is insulin resistance while the other side is insulin sensitivity.
If you’ve been overweight for a long time, that means you’ve become insulin resistant. It’s the precursor to metabolic syndrome.
And It’s going to take some time to even get to a point where you’re neutral and work towards insulin sensitivity.
Being insulin sensitive also means you’re metabolically flexible. See how they’re all connected here?
Another way to look at this is think of yourself as a radio knob. If you’re at a ten, you can’t just automatically turn the dial down to one.
You have to dial things down to a nine, then an eight, and then a seven, and so on. Again, there are levels to this. You’re not a light switch.
My last tip might be the most important tip of them all. Actually, they’re all equally important but this last one is what ties everything together.
5. You are going to mess up, and that’s okay.
The faster you can wrap your head around this concept, the higher your chances of reaching your goals.
Mistakes are proof that you’re trying. Mistakes are a good thing. The more mistakes you make, the faster you’ll learn.
The only time it becomes detrimental is if you keep making the same mistake over and over again. That’s the definition of insanity.
But let’s say you messed up your diet one day. You see an old friend and you go for ice cream. Maybe you missed your workout. That’s okay. That’s life.
James Clear, one of my favourite authors, said it best. The first mistake is never the one that ruins you. It’s the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows.
The problem is not slipping up; the problem is thinking that if you can’t do something perfectly, then you shouldn’t do it at all.
So if you mess up, and you will, that’s okay. Just keep trying.
As always, if this was helpful, share it with a friend who could benefit from it as well!
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