Looking for weight loss tips that work?
Did you know that your body has a built in fat burning mechanism? Yup. You have it in you.
The problem is, there’s so much bad information out there that it’s hard to figure out what’s right and what isn’t. There’s definitely more bad information than good. That’s why it gets so confusing.
Today, we’re going to cut through all the BS and I’m going to show you 4 proven weight loss tips that work to turn your body into a fat burning machine.
4 Weight Loss Tips That Work (Back By Science)
Let’s start with a banger. Because in my opinion, this is the best method of fat loss. Bar none.
1. Take a break from eating
If you’ve been following my YouTube channel, this shouldn’t be breaking news. And it’s also good to get a little reminder why you should do it. But if you’re new, you’re in for a treat.
This is one of the best weight loss tips that work. Take a break from eating. The simplest way I can explain this is at any given time, you have at least 100,000 calories worth of stored energy waiting to be used.
All your unwanted body fat is actually stored energy. That’s what it’s there for. It’s not just there for looks.
So when you take a long enough break from eating. Your body being the super computer that it is, starts to realize that there’s no food coming in. And it doesn’t want to die.
What it does in turn is just pure sorcery. It starts to look for energy from within. It starts searching. So you’re got your organs which probably isn’t a good idea to use for energy.
Because you’re gonna die if your body starts breaking down you heart, kidney, and liver for energy. So that’s not happening.
You’ve also got muscles but you need your muscles in order to hunt. This is from 2.5 million years of evolution. If your body immediately started breaking down muscle the moment you stopped eating, you wouldn’t be able to hunt and we would’ve gone extinct as a species.
But then you’ve got this abundant amount of body fat all over your body. A lot of it sitting in undesired places like your butt, thighs, and belly. It literally serves no purpose aesthetically rather than make you feel self conscious.
But in terms of physiology, it’s stored energy. So when you take a long enough break from eating, your body will simply start burning fat for energy so you don’t die.
This is more commonly known as intermittent fasting.
The best intermittent fasting schedule for weight loss
When I say taking a long enough break, the bare minimum here is a 14 hour fast. And that’s if you’re new. So you’ve got a 14 hour fasting window and a 10 hour eating window.
But the minimum effective dose to start seeing tangible results is a 16 hour fast. So you’ve got a 16 hour fasting window and an 8 hour eating window.
You can also do an 18 hour fast which seems to be the sweet spot for a lot of people.
You can do a 20 hour fast which is more commonly known as the warrior diet. All the way down to a 24 hour fast which is more commonly referred to as OMAD or one meal a day.
Your fasting window also includes your sleep. So if you get your 8 hours of sleep, you just keep adding your fasting hours after you wake up.
The best intermittent fasting schedule is the one that fits your lifestyle. I personally did a 16 hour fast for the longest time and that’s how I was able to initially transform my body. I’ve also been able to maintain my results.
Again, that’s why I think it’s the minimum effective dose. It’s going to work especially well if you’re new because it’s gonna come as a complete shock to your body in a good way. This is also called hormetic stress.
Because you’re going from eating all day. And that’s been ingrained in our heads for decades now as the norm. We’re also in the midst of an obesity epidemic, go figure. To a time restricted eating window.
Again, you’re just simply giving your body a chance to tap into your stored energy in the form of body fat when you do this. The longer you go, the better. You’re not going to die when you fast.
The biggest benefit of intermittent fasting
In terms of physiology, one of the biggest benefits of intermittent fasting is improved insulin sensitivity.
All you really need to know is every time you eat, your insulin goes up. That’s your storing hormone. A lot of experts refers to it as the master hormone because it’s the hormone that controls your body weight.
When your insulin levels are high, you can’t access your body fat and burn it for energy. You just can’t. High insulin blocks lipolysis. So when your insulin levels are high, you’re in fat storage mode.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing because your body needs to store all the nutrients from the foods you eat. But we’ve gone so far the other way on this. We’re basically eating all day. Many times, we eat even if we’re not hungry.
From the moment we wake up, then we eat snacks in between meals, up until we go to bed. Some people even snack right before they go to sleep. You’re basically in fat storage mode all day.
The good thing is the reverse is also true. Every time you don’t eat, your insulin goes back down to baseline. This is when your body gets the signal to tap into your fat stores for energy.
This is why you don’t die when you sleep, by the way. Your body is using stored energy to keep you alive. Mind blowing stuff, right?
Another very important concept you need to understand is it’s not about eating less, although you still need to be at a deficit in order to lose fat, you just need to eat less frequently.
It’s not about eating less, but less frequently
Because you can bet that there is a world of difference with how your body reacts physiologically when you eat 1800 calories spread throughout the day. You’re eating these tiny meals that are not satiating at all.
Versus eating 1800 calories split up into two meals within a time restricted eating window of 8 hours, let’s say. It’s night and day.
And I’ve talked about this extensively on my channel that eating less, where you’re just perpetually dieting and cutting calories, could have some pretty big negative side effects in your body.
The biggest one being a reduced metabolism and increased hunger because the human body is an adaptation machine.
You’re literally putting your body in starvation mode when you just keep cutting calories and you’re eating these tiny meals that are not satiating at all.
Your body will respond to this by sending really strong hunger cues for you to eat something because it doesn’t want to die.
And you can only fight those hunger cues for so long. You can’t fight your physiology. Because your physiology will always win no matter what.
Again, make sure you check my other videos about intermittent fasting if you’re new. I’m also gonna put some links in the description box.
Now, I already mentioned this a couple of times but it definitely deserves it’s own little segment.
2. Stop grazing on food
This habit of constantly grazing on food all day might be one of the most damaging habits to our health that we’ve adapted as a society.
If you’re looking for the best weight loss tips that work, you need to stop snacking.
Again, let’s circle back to the fact that every time you eat, your insulin goes up. It puts you in fat storage mode which inadvertently shuts off lipolysis.
You can’t be burning fat and storing fat at the same time. It’s one or the other.
Anybody who tells you otherwise probably hasn’t read a book in a while or that person graduated from the school of bro science.
But again, this is why intermittent fasting is such a powerful tool because it automatically limits the amount of snacks you’re having throughout the day.
But even during your eating window, you still need to eliminate this food grazing habit. You’re not a cow. You shouldn’t be grazing on food all day. There are other things to do in life rather than stuffing your face every time you’re bored.
If you’re doing a 16 hour fast for example, an 8 hour eating window is still a long time to graze on food if you’re not disciplined.
The problem with snacking
Ideally, you’re only eating one or two meals a day. That’s it. Our Paleolithic ancestors would’ve considered us gluttons if they found out we’re eating 6 small meals a day. There’s no science behind it.
Plus, we don’t really snack on the healthiest stuff. We’re usually snacking on highly processed foods like chips, cookies, crackers, and even “healthier” options like fruit, granola bars, and protein bars.
I used air quotes because there is absolutely nothing healthy about those bars. You’re basically eating a glorified snickers bar. Even fruit is suspect because of its fructose content.
We also drink designer coffees and crappy frappes which are just absolute sugar bombs.
The foods and drinks I just mentioned are some of the worst offenders when it comes to spiking your insulin levels. Because out of all three macronutrients, carbs, especially refined carbs and sugar, spike insulin the most. The more processing your food goes through, the worse it is for you.
So you’ve got this huge spike in your blood sugar levels when you eat those foods. Because most of them are made out of refined carbs and sugar. With a corresponding insulin spike to store all that sugar floating in your blood stream because too much blood sugar is toxic.
Which also comes with a subsequent sugar and insulin crash. And that sugar crash triggers cravings for something sweet to bring up your blood sugar levels because your body doesn’t want to go into a state of hypoglycaemia.
So it creates a vicious cycle where you’re always craving these snacks.
So when you stop eating these insulinogenic foods in between meals, you’re allowing your insulin levels to stay moderated. Giving your body more time to tap into your fat burning mechanism. It’s basically addition by subtraction.
Now, you can’t fast forever. Although the longest recorded fast was 382 days. The guy lost 284 lbs in the process living off of water and vitamins with regular visits to the doctor.
But let’s say you’re more interested in the 16-24 hour type of intermittent fasting. What the heck are you supposed to eat? That’s step number three.
3. Eat real food
Revolve your diet around plants and animals.
I want you to eat single ingredient, mostly unprocessed, nutrient dense foods. Real food.
Yes, I said plants and animals. You should actually be eating mostly animals. That’s why the carnivore diet movement has been gaining a lot of steam.
The problem with going on a vegan diet
So if you’re vegan, I respect what you’re doing. But you came to the wrong channel. You need to eat meat in order to be a healthy and happy human being.
Let me just give you a few things that your body needs that plants don’t contain. Carnitine, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Vitamin B12, EPA, DHA, and cholesterol. You can only get those from animals.
Whole foods, especially meat, are extremely satiating. They also naturally don’t cause a big spike in insulin. This is why I always say that not all calories are created equal.
That’s why the calories in vs calories model is extremely flawed. Because the zealots will just say it’s all about the calories. You can lose weight eating McDonald’s and twinkies as long as you’re on a deficit.
At the beginning? Yeah, maybe. But are you gonna be able to sustain that weight loss and have optimal health? Absolutely not.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that 100 calories of eggs will have the same fattening effect as 100 calories of breakfast cereal.
Because again, the most insulinogenic types of foods are carbs. Especially refined carbs and sugar.
Protein also triggers an insulin response. But it also activates your satiety hormones, specifically Peptide YY. So you’re kind of protected there.
If you’ve ever been to an all you can eat Brazilian bbq steakhouse, it’s hard to overeat. You get the meat sweats.
While fat has little to no effect to your insulin levels. So fat isn’t bad for you, contrary to popular belief. If anything, if you’re not eating enough fat, you’re probably fat.
Again, this is why you want to revolve your diet around plants and animals. Because they contain all the essential fats and amino acids that your body needs in order to be healthy. They’re extremely satiating and they keep your insulin moderated.
You’re gonna stay fuller longer in between meals, which then eliminates the need for snacking. They all kind of work together in synergy.
The last piece of the puzzle is you need to make supportive lifestyle choices that up regulate your fat burning mechanism.
4. Make supportive lifestyle choices
80% of your body composition is determined by your diet. What you eat and when you eat are equally important when it comes to activating your fat burning mechanism.
But you also need to make supportive lifestyle choices in order to get sustainable results. This is something I talk about extensive inside the Fat Loss Accelerator so make sure you check out the link in the top right hand corner. But I’m just going to give you the rapid fire version of it.
Number one is all about movement split into two parts.
Make sure you’re doing some of resistance training to build muscle.
Muscle is the key driver of your metabolism. It’s also a key indicator of lifespan. It’s extremely important during the aging process.
All you need to know is if you want to be a healthy and happy human being, one of the best things you can do is to be as physically strong as humanly possible. You can only achieve that through resistance training. Doing excessive cardio won’t accomplish that.
Aim to get at least 10,000 steps spread throughout the day.
This gets you out of prolonged periods where you’re completely sedentary. Because living a sedentary lifestyle is one of the fastest ways to turn off your fat burning mechanism.
Manage stress
Next, you want to make sure you’re managing stress. Stress is a part of life. Exercise for example is a type of stress. But it’s a type of hormetic stress. The good kind of stress. It’s the what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger kind of stress.
It’s when the stress becomes chronic where it really starts to become detrimental to your health.
Because chronic stress leads to chronic inflammation. Which then opens up pandora’s box to all sorts of disease including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Those are some of the biggest killers on the planet.
Prioritize sleep
Last but not the least, make sure you’re getting adequate and quality sleep. There’s a reason why we evolved to sleep for a third of our lives. That’s when the important rest and repair functions happen in your body.
If you don’t get adequate and quality sleep, that’s when things start to go sideways real fast. You could have pre diabetic symptoms for example from just a few nights of bad sleep.
My point is you’re not going to find a hard time finding studies that connects lack of sleep to poor health.
In fact, prolonged sleep deprivation is an especially insidious form of torture. Because it attacks the deep biological functions at the core of a person’s mental and physical health.
So why would you willingly torture yourself by not getting enough sleep. Just do it. I’ve literally never met a person who complained about getting a good night’s sleep.
As always, if this was helpful, share it with a friend who could benefit from it as well!
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